Aathman Awareness Centre - AAC

Intensified Kundalini Yoga (IKY)



Intensified Kundalini Yoga is a comprehensive Kundalini Meditation Course. In this an aspirant is initiated in all the 9 chakras of the human body and taught to meditate in the chakras.

Course Fee

The cost of the meditation programme is Rs. 5000/-

Duration of the course

Initiation: 2 hours
Grooming Duration: 6 months

Highlights of the course

  1. There are so many people who teach kundalini. But only chosen few have actual experience on kundalini and chakras. AAC is one of the rare institutions which makes a person feel the chakras and kundalini.
  2. The aspirant is taught how to pay reverence and obeisance to a saint and what is Guru Bhakthi.
  3. The aspirant is given initiation in all the chakras in the Holy Jeeva samadhi premises of Mahan Sri Gurulinga Swamigal. It is a great blessing to be initiated in the samadhi temple of Mahan Sri Gurulinga Swamigal.
  4. The aspirant is slowly taught to meditate in the chakras and given the keys for going in depth in to the chakras.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The fee should be paid before the starting of the IKY classes.
  2. The amount should be paid on one payment; no part payments.
  3. The aspirant will be given fee receipt, ID card, Notepad for writing down their everyday spiritual experiences.
  4. The IKY classes are taught to the aspirant on one to one basis.
  5. Special attention and personalized grooming will be given throughout the programme.

Kundalini Energy

Kundalini Energy or Kundalini Shakthi is the divine life energy residing in the base of the spine. When it resides in the base of the spine, it is called as vital energy.

Sleeping Coiled Serpent

Kundalini shakthi is compared to that of a serpent. When it is sleeping, it is compared to a sleeping coiled serpent. When it is awakened, it is compared with that of a cobra(snake) raising its hood.

Dormant Energy

The energy indeed is dormant when it resides at the base of the spine. A very small portion of it is utilized for all the bodily and mind level functions. However, mostly the energy lies un-utilized. When the shakthi resides in the base of the spine in a dormant level, then we lead our life with all our animalistic tendency and instincts. Water is the same only. When if it is in a drainage it is called as dirty water. When it is in an origin of a river or spring, then it is pristine. Likewise, the dormant energy when awakened becomes purer and purer as it moves through the chakras. Energy is the same only, the qualities that it exhibit changes as it moves from chakra to chakra.

Kundalini Energy Rising

Kundalini energy can only be awakened only by a self-realized Guru or under the supervision of a self-realized Guru. The Guru uses His divine energy to awaken and kindle the kundalini (life) energy residing at the base of the spine to a higher chakra. When risen to a higher chakra, the energy not only becomes divine but the entire person becomes transformed. The animalistic qualities becomes transformed in to human and subsequently divine nature; eg : The person is filled with love, compassion, prayerfulness, intuition etc in the higher chakras and slowly moves on the way to the absolute union with the divine. The chakra at the base of the spine is referred to as the Mooladhara Chakra.

Chakras - What are they

Every human is an embodiment of the divine. To know the divine that is within us there are gateways to reach it. These gateways are called as chakras. The Chakras are the gateways that lead to moksha. Chakras are energy points in a human being. They are dormant only and mostly non functional. Only when Kundalini is awakened, do the chakras come in to the play. Kundalini rising happens through the spinal cord, from the base of the spine till the top. There are energy points in the spinal cord, which are called as chakras. There are 9 main chakras in the human body. Though, chakras lie in the human body, they act as a bridge between the physical plane (bodily plane) and the non-physical plane (beyond the human body).

Importance of Chakras

Each chakra has its own qualities. Meditation on a particular chakra will lead to particular benefits. Though there are several doors to reach the divine within us, each chakra has its own importance and benefit.

Location of Chakras

Chakras in the human body

Angels in each Chakras

Human body is a model of a mini universe. Within the human body, you have nava grahas, angels (devas and devathais) etc., every chakra has an angel associated with it. You always need to pray to that angel associated with that chakra when starting to meditate in the specific chakra for the chakra to be purified.

Kundalini raising in chakras

Kundalini Meditation is a meditative practice by which the dormant energy residing in Mooladhara Chakra or the Base of Spinal Cord is kindled and awakened. When Kundalini Shakthi rises upward through the spine, it reaches the higher chakras. Chakras can only be felt once kundalini rises.

Major Chakras

The major of the nine chakras are Mooladhara, Anahata, Ajna and Turiyam Chakra.

Minor Chakras

The minor chakras are swadishtana, Manipooraka, Vishuddhi, Manonmani and Pidari Kan Chakra.

Effects of meditating in chakras


  1. To cool the body.
  2. To spend purified energy to the body.
  3. To develop immunity to fend off all diseases.
  4. To increase vitality.


  1. To heat the body.
  2. To remove all negative emotions from that chakra and in the region of body also.
  3. To increase vitality.


  1. To remove all negative emotions.
  2. To remove all stomach disorders.
  3. For proper digestion.
  4. To relax the belly region.


  1. To remove all accumulated sadness worries etc.,
  2. Body will become very light.
  3. The love energy will flow.
  4. Heart will become very sensitive.


  1. For a healthy vocal cord.
  2. The voice coming from meditation in this chakra will have hypnotising effect.
  3. Moving closer to enlightenment.


  1. Taste of the DIVINE NECTAR.
  2. Mind can be easily silenced.
  3. Body will be in neutral state [Neither cold nor hot]


  1. Remembrance of past lives and births.


  1. Face becomes radiant.
  2. Body will become very warm.
  3. Power of reasoning.
  4. Immunity power increases.
  5. Facial muscle relaxes.
  6. Mind becomes slower.
  7. Body and mind become healthier.
  8. Vital forces increases.
  9. Dilution of semen drops transformed in to condensed drops. So power of sexuality increases.
  10. Wavering of eyes stops.
  11. Deep sleep occurs.
  12. Power of will (will power) increases.
  13. Meditating on Ajna chakra will give luster and shine to your eyes.
  14. Eye sight also increases to some extent.
  15. Never gets angry easily and even if he gets angry it will be very momentary and it wont cause any harm to anybody.
  16. All the negativity lurking in the inner most corners of minds gets burned down.
  17. All sorts of depressions gets normalized.
  18. Never get tired. Even if it is tired, meditating on this chakra for few minutes will rejuvenate the system.(Body becomes energetic and even if it gets tired when relaxing in to Ajna chakra for few minutes charges up the whole body and the person becomes energetic)
  19. Visions will start coming.
  20. ESP, Clairvoyance, Mind reading etc., will come automatically.
  21. Better understanding of mind, its activities and thought process will occur.


  1. Crown of all spiritual activities
  2. Here only the transformation happens.
  3. Occult power increases.
  4. Future happenings runs like a cinema in the inner screen.
  5. Deep meditation occurs only in Thuria.
  6. Gates of inner heaven opens up and so much bliss and ecstasy happens that cannot be put in to words.
  7. Meditating on the chakra one can burn down all the sins committed in this human form which is recorded in this chakra.
  8. Not only the present sins committed in this birth, but all the previous births also can be burned down, But for this to happen a person has to meditate for many hours/years in this chakra.
  9. All the bodily attachments get detached.
  10. Meditation in this chakra makes a person so sensitive to subtle things and can contact many super natural things that floats around in the universe.

Living In a Chakra

In one perspective, normal human beings are orphans only. Only those who are initiated in chakras, have a home to live with. A person who learns to meditate in a chakra, gets the keys to live in the chakra for 24 hours; To do all activities from that chakra only.

Siddhis Obtained by Meditating in Chakras

To Obtain siddhi in a chakra, it is not mere meditation on this chakra but you have to live in that chakra for 24 hours.


  1. Vajra Deham - The body becomes like Iron.
  2. A person gets rooted to the earth and unravels many secrets in it.


  1. Astral Travel


  1. Direct link with a saint in samadhi
  2. Ability to feel love energy flowing


  1. Vaaku Siddhi - Anything that one utters becomes true


  1. Taste of the Amirtha - Divine nectar of Immortality
  2. Mind almost in its purest level of thoughts.


  1. Intuitions
  2. Divine Visions
  3. YOGI of real stuff when meditating on this chakra can easily undo the prefixed DESTINY.
  4. If a person really masters the Ajna chakra, he will become the emperor of this world.


  1. Reverse the Ageing process


  1. To die in this chakra is a sought after dream for many yogis
  2. Contact and communication with saints in the astral plane and heavenly beings
  3. Astral Travel

Balancing of Energy in Chakras

When so much excessive energy rises up the spine to chakras like ajna or thuriam, the load in the head is felt intensely and also sometimes energy for running the essential activies of the body moves up, hence one may encounter body pain or health problems. One should then practice in Mooladhara chakra to balance the energy properly.

Dos and Donts


  1. Keep your body fit. Practice physical exercises or yoga regularly.
  2. You can do meditation mostly anywhere and everywhere and at all times. It is generally recommended to meditation in a divine temple or a silent room.
  3. There is no time limit for meditation. However, during long hours of continuous meditation, it is recommended to take a break of 5 minutes or so after 1 or 2 hours of meditation.
  4. Meditation during 4 - 6 AM and 6 - 8 PM bears maximum fruit.
  5. Meditation should never be forced. Do in a very very relaxed manner and with love.
  6. Meditate in Mooladhara while travelling.
  7. Do Mooladhara meditation once a week.
  8. Do all 9 chakra meditation once a week.
  9. It is recommended to do meditation atleast for a minimum of 1 to 2 hours per day, if you want to grow really in meditation.
  10. Listening to soft music will help you in meditation and will make you move more towards your heart.


  1. Avoid meditation in places like hospital and death ceremonies, cemeteries or places where you feel negative energy as you will tend to get drained faster.
  2. Do not meditate in open p